Friday, January 15, 2021

MVP Family Tree Update 4

 The project is still moving along at a nice pace. Over the last week, I had a couple of other collectors set up and make a contribution. As long as I can add a card or two per week, it's a success in my eyes. So, what do I have incoming from the 2 PWE trades and how did they come about?

Well, I saw that my buddy Steve had picked up some vintage from his LCS and that his Boyer PC had grown. I commented that I needed to grab a 64 Boyer at some point for my project and he immediately said that he had an extra that he would send my way.

We moved over to the dark alleys of the DMs and started chatting a bit afterward and he ended up pulling out a few more cards that I needed (78 Parker, 71 Blue, and 77 Foster) and said that he would send them on my way. So, that's 4 more cards off of the list of 119. 

I also picked up another card from the awesome Dave. He had joined in on one of my streams and had heard about my project and immediately jumped in on Twitter to say that he had an 87 Bell if I needed one and I did. He got it packaged up and put it in the mail for me the next day. I really appreciate the contribution from both of you guys and looking forward to getting these in the mail over the next few months! I will have some PWEs in the mail to both of you once outgoing 1st class mail opens again in Korea.

If you're interested in contributing to the project, you can find me at the following places. Also, check out the list of what I have and what I still need in this linked spreadsheet

Twitter: @kbocollections

Instagram: @collectionskbo

Email: kbocollections at gmail

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